

Scholarships can fund adventures in learning across the globe.

Ready to experience the excitement of an international education? 通过赌钱app可以微信提现出国留学! With over 100 programs across the globe ranging from two weeks to a full year, you can find the right program for you and possible scholarships to fund your expedition.

1. 时间紧迫? 参加一次由教师带领的旅行

Taste freshly harvested chocolate in Costa Rica. Walk through prehistoric caves in the Basque Country of Spain and France. Explore sustainability solutions in the glaciers of Iceland.

Faculty-led trips like these can take you on an immersive, interactive experience in two weeks or less. Knowledgeable 赌钱app可以微信提现 faculty lead you through breathtaking popular sites. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of each country’s social, political and artistic cultures.

You’ll also earn academic credit during your adventure that will enhance your area of study. A recent faculty-led trip to the Netherlands took students to top Dutch companies as they learned about water management and welding techniques through the country’s innovative flood prevention system.

Faculty-led programs are open to everyone, with new itineraries added year round. Explore upcoming voyages and apply before the deadline.

2. 在国外学习一个学期(或更长时间)

Longer-term programs envelop you in the culture of your country of choice. 在你的夏天, 在国外学习一学期或一整年, opportunities for self-growth and discovery are endless. 你会听到新的语言, try different foods and learn to navigate a foreign land during your time abroad.

As you experience new cultural and societal norms, you’ll also earn college credit. 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 国际 Education works with partner institutions to maximize the number of credits that can transfer back to 赌钱app可以微信提现 for your specific degree program. You could earn as many as 16 transferable college credits as you explore new surroundings.

3. Fund Your Study Abroad With Scholarships

赌钱app可以微信提现 offers multiple scholarship opportunities to make 你的留学经历 dream a reality. 联邦计划,如美国的.S. 国务院的 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 can provide up to $5,000 — and over 50 赌钱app可以微信提现 students have qualified!

朱迪邹, 最近的吉尔曼奖学金获得者, studied fashion at the Florence University of the Arts in Florence, 意大利, 和其他八名赌钱app可以微信提现学生一起. She found the experience influential to her education.

“作为一名时尚专业的学生, a trip to Florence was perfect for me to learn about one of the most fashion-centric countries,朱迪说. “I learned a lot from Italian fashion and saw firsthand how it changed the view of fashion for them and the world.”

Judy encourages 赌钱app可以微信提现 students to pursue their passions through study abroad.

“Depending on what you're interested in, it's a good way to learn more or delve deeper into what you’re already passionate about,”她说。.  

4. Round Out Your Experience With the Global Awareness Program

Add an academic distinction to your time abroad with the 全球意识计划, a four-component sequence that earns you elevated recognition for your transcript and résumé.

Begin by expanding your worldview with a globally focused course, followed by a campus event or activity with multinational connections.

By forming a foundation through these initial experiences, you’ll be ready and excited for the third component, 你的留学经历.

Once you’ve returned from your adventure, reflect on what you’ve learned in the final component, 的顶点. Detail your achievements and submit your reflection to receive your Global Awareness Program recognition.


Take the first step in 你的留学经历 adventure—stop by 国际 Education in COM 220 to learn how to get started ­— and then start packing!