退还学费 Appeal Operating Procedure 312.02
Johnson County Community College
Section: 学费 and 金融援助

交叉引用: 学费退还政策.01

适用性: This Operating Procedure applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) students.

目的: The purpose of this Operating Procedure is to set out the process by which a student may obtain an exception to the 学费退还政策.01.


学费 refunds will be granted in accordance with the 学费退还政策.01. A student wishing to be granted an exception to the 学费退还政策.01, due to extenuating circumstances or a material change in circumstances, shall file a 退还学费 Appeal as set forth below. Circumstances that will not be a sufficient basis for appeal include, 但不会局限于, 以下几点:

  • Dropping a course because of a low grade;
  • Deciding that course is too difficult or there is not enough time to meet course objectives;
  • Academic or disciplinary dismissal;
  • 已知健康状况, injury or illness that has not changed materially since the time of enrollment in the course;
  • Financial hardship or lack of financial aid; or

I. 退还学费 Appeals for Credit Courses

退还学费 Appeals related to credit courses must be submitted in writing on the Appeal Form to 招收ment Services within two years of the student’s initial enrollment in the course, unless good cause is shown for the delay. The appeal must specify the reason(s) the student should be given a refund and include sufficient supporting documentation. The written appeal and documentation will be reviewed by a 退还学费 Appeal Committee selected by the Vice 总统 of Student Success and Engagement to determine if the student has demonstrated sufficient circumstances warranting a refund. The decision of the Committee is final and the student will be informed in writing of the decision.

II. 退还学费 Appeals for 继续教育

退还学费 Appeals related to Workforce Development and 继续教育 shall be submitted on the Workforce Development and 继续教育 Refund and Transfer Appeal Form to Workforce Development and 继续教育 登记 for administrative consideration on a case-by-case basis. The appeal must specify the reason(s) the student should be given a refund and include sufficient supporting documentation. The written appeal and documentation will be reviewed by Workforce Development and 继续教育 登记 to determine if the student has demonstrated sufficient circumstances warranting a refund. If further review is required, the form will be reviewed by the Director of Operations for Workforce Development and 继续教育. The decision of the Director of Operations for Workforce Development and 继续教育 is final and the student will be informed of the decision in writing.

Signature on File in Policy Office

Date of Adoption: 08/13/2015 (Previous version: 退还学费 Appeal Policy 312.2, 2014年4月17日通过)
Revised: 08/01/2017, 07/16/2020, 02/11/2022 (non-substantive revisions), 06/20/2024